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Teacher Helping Student


The Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) is the only body of its kind which represents University Schools of Education and Teacher Education Institutions in Scotland. Its 11 Higher Education members play a key role in Initial Teacher Education (which is accredited by the General Teaching Council of Scotland), educating Student Teachers in support of Scotland’s children and young people; and working in partnership, principally, with others within the education sector, nationally and internationally.

Our Work

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Priority Areas

Our six priority areas of work:

  • Recruitment and ITE Entry

  • ITE/Early Phase Priorities: Placement, Curriculum and Pedagogy

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • Research

  • Teacher Education as a Continuum

  • Education and System Reform

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Read our current and past publications.


If you would like to contact the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, please email Dr Zoè Robertson at

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