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Priority Areas

The SCDE has six core areas of focus. These broadly align with national priorities and key areas for SCDE in relation to teacher education and the broader education landscape in Scotland.


The six areas are:​

  • Recruitment and Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Entry

  • ITE/Early Phase Priorities: Placement, Curriculum and Pedagogy

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

  • Research

  • Teacher Education as a Continuum

  • Education and System Reform


Work across these six areas enables SCDE to:​

  • Represent the varied expertise and activity in the sector

  • Collaborate with partners and stakeholders across education

  • Engage, lead and contribute to robust research

  • Inform education policy and practice

  • Develop a collective voice in teacher education


Recruitment and ITE Entry

Recruitment into the profession is a key priority area for SCDE.  We work with colleagues and stakeholders nationally and internationally to develop informed insights into global trends and issues impacting recruitment into the profession. SCDE is represented on the Teacher Workforce Planning and Advisory Group, works closely with the GTCS and is part of the relevant workstreams in the Strategic Board for Teacher Education. We have established a sub-group to focus specifically on the sector wide challenges and opportunities for future recruitment into ITE.


Area lead is Carrie McLennan.


SCDE have representatives on the following committees:

  • Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE) Workstream with COSLA - Carrie McLennan

  • Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group (TWPAG) with Scottish Government - Carrie McLennan (Co-Chair)

  • Scottish Government Teacher Bursaries Advisory Group - Carrie McLennan

Networks and working groups

SCDE have established links with, and representatives on, the following networks and working groups:

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