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ITE Self-Evaluation

SCDE hosts an annual conference where we discuss various aspects of initial teacher education, centering on a specific theme. You can see what was discussed at previous conferences below.


 Symposium – 8th June 2023





Opening session

Welcome and Introductions – Professor Marjory McMahon (SCDE: Chair) and Ollie Bray (Education Scotland: Strategic Director)
Keynote 1: Anti-Racism Framework for ITE - Dr Khadija Mohammed, University of the West of Scotland
Keynote 2: Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education (MQuITE) - Denise McGee-Dewar & Professor Aileen Kennedy

Workshop 1: Unleashing Curious Professionals: System challenges and realising the power of inquiry (as practice)

Dr Zoe Robertson, Steve McLeister, & Fraser McCallum, University of Edinburgh

Workshop 2: What kind of teacher do I want to be? Nuancing professional values through teacher education

Dr Heather Earnshaw, Edinburgh Napier University

Workshop 3: Mentoring students/inductees within school settings

Dr Emma Cooper, Brian Johnston, & Dr Lorele Mackie, University of Stirling

Workshop 5: An experiential learning approach to teaching STEM across the primary curriculum

Dr Tara Shirazi, University of Glasgow - Dumfries Campus

Workshop 7: Pathways with potential: Opportunities for teacher education in the expressive arts

Dr Angela Jaap, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Workshop 9: Developing Enquiring Teachers

Amy McFarlane & Dr Charlaine Simpson, University of Aberdeen

Workshop 4: Leading our own learning - an exploration into the impact and influence of reflection on lifelong learning (with a focus on primary education)

Gillian McNeil, Tracy Atkinson, Claire Foy & Fiona Ramsay, University of Strathclyde

Workshop 6: Developing Meeting Learners Needs inputs using the Inclusive Pedagogical Approaches in Action (IPAA) principles

Di Cantali, University of Dundee

Workshop 8: The muse, the views and the reviews - final year students and the winding path of ongoing professional learning

Dr Suzie Dick & Louise McGlynn, Queen Margaret University

Workshop 10: Becoming Critically Reflective: working with, and evidencing, the GTCS (2021) Standard for Provisional Registration

Katrina MacIntyre, Judith Munro & Lindsay Nicol, University of the Highlands and Islands

Workshop 11: Preparing student teachers to be leaders of and for learning

Dr Carole Bignell & Louise Barrett, University of the West of Scotland

Workshop 12: Reflections on Student outcomes: Preparing Students for the Profession

Dr Jennifer Farrar, Evelyn McLaren & Clare Smith, University of Glasgow

Closing session

Where are we going? – Reporter/Critical Friend - Professor Moyra Boland, University of Glasgow
Final Words - Dr Zoe Robertson, Deputy Chair SCDE

Professor Moyra Boland, University of Glasgow


If you would like to contact the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, please email Dr Zoè Robertson at

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