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Who we are

The Scottish Council of Deans of Education represents university schools of education and teacher education institutions in Scotland. Our 11 higher education members play a key role in initial teacher education and work in partnership with others within the education sector, both in Scotland and around the world.


Our member institutions also contribute to educational research and offer career-long professional learning for teachers and other education professionals in areas that include educational leadership and inclusive pedagogies.


Our diverse programme portfolio covers undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications up to doctoral level and a range of continuous professional learning courses and knowledge exchange opportunities. We represent these areas of expertise and activity to inform education policy and practice.


Each Council member organisation has two representatives who are often Deans, Heads of School or leads for Initial Teacher Education with strategic responsibilities within their higher education institutions. You can find a full list of members on the Membership page.


Our objectives

Our primary objectives are:

  • To nurture high-quality teaching graduates who can critically engage with a range of education settings and diverse learner populations

  • To contribute robust and relevant research that informs education policy and practice

  • To raise public awareness of the contribution of the education profession, from early years to lifelong learning

  • To provide a platform to debate and develop strategies for professional learning for education personnel

  • To engage in, and build upon, international collaborations to advance educational discourse in a range of areas: e.g., educational leadership; curriculum; research; and policy

  • To partner with diverse national and local organisations, to further advance equity and excellence in education

  • To anticipate and to engage with developing political, economic, social, cultural and environmental concerns as they affect education


Our institutions receive their funding through various sources, including: government, industry, research councils, voluntary and non-governmental organisations and bequests and donations by alumni.


If you would like to contact the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, please email Dr Zoè Robertson at

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