SCDE Attainment Challenge
The Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) Attainment Challenge Project was a three year Scottish Government funded research programme involving representatives of eight of the institutions providing initial teacher education (ITE) across Scotland. Its broad aim was to research how the sector might better prepare early career teachers (understood as final year ITE and probationer year) to work more effectively to improve literacy and numeracy attainment and health and wellbeing outcomes in schools serving pupils from Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 1-40 backgrounds.
Developing pedagogies that work for Pre-Service and Early Career Teachers to reduce the Attainment Gap in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing
The broad aim informing the suite of projects was to research how the sector might better prepare early career teachers (understood as final year ITE and probationer year) to work more effectively to improve literacy and numeracy attainment and health and wellbeing outcomes in schools serving pupils from SIMD 1-40 backgrounds.
Under this common purpose, the research programme had three strands of activity.
Firstly, a collaborative project aimed to resource a conversation across the national sector. The project was designed as four sequential phases:
AUDIT: What do we in teacher education institutions collectively do currently to support early career practitioners to work effectively with pupils from SIMD 1-40 backgrounds?
EVALUATION: Of our current practice, what do we do well and what could we do better?
RESOURCE: What other practice or research might assist us in our purpose?
REFORM: How can we improve teacher education so our early career teachers are more effective in improving the engagement and attainment of pupils?
Secondly, each of the eight participating schools of education conducted a research project reflecting their particular context and priorities.
Thirdly, three PhD studentships were funded, to be hosted by the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling.​
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