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As part of our goal to provide a platform to debate and develop strategies for professional learning for education personnel, the SCDE regularly supports the publication of new projects on the subject of professional learning for education personnel.

The National Framework for Inclusion 3rd edition (NFI) provides guidance for teachers on inclusion and inclusive practice. The NFI consists of a series of reflective questions linked to the Professional Standards for Scotland’s teachers. Working together, the Professional Standards and NFI provide a structure for teachers to reflect upon the national vision of social justice and inclusion.

Drawing on the recommendations of ‘Teaching in a Diverse Scotland’, and building on the work of the ‘Tackling Racism on Campus Project’, this framework aims to support ITE institutions (ITEIs) in their work to prepare race-cognisant, anti-racist teachers.

The NFfL (Initial Teacher Education) sets out guidance for the integration of languages into ITE programmes and the school curriculum. Created by the Languages Group of the SCDE and funded by a group of Scottish local authorities, the NFfL is linked to the GTC(S) Standards for Registration and CLPL. There are three parts: the NFfL framework, and two resources LENS and LEAP.

The National Framework for Digital Literacies in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Scotland has been designed to ensure that all students who undertake undergraduate or postgraduate courses, across all ITE providers, are appropriately guided and supported about the place, purpose and pedagogy of digital tools and spaces in teaching and learning in 3-18 settings.

The MQuITE project sought to involve all stakeholders in developing a way to measure the quality of initial teacher education in Scotland. It engaged with both literature and practice to inform this process. This work will contribute significantly to developing quality teacher education in Scotland and will also offer a useful perspective to the international debate on measuring quality in ITE.

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If you would like to contact the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, please email Dr Zoè Robertson at

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